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I am going to the Outback Bowl as a VIP!!!

Written on December 30, 2014 by

Bo knows the Golf MobOver the holidays one of the best TV marathons, besides ” A Christmas Story “, was the ” 30 for 30 ” series on ESPN. My favorite, of course, is the ” You Don’t Know Bo “, but I also enjoyed ” The Boz ” and all three parts of ” The U “. As I already knew we, as fans, were deprived of the greatest athlete in history when Bo Jackson dislocated his hip. And the “Boz” was one of the most overhyped linebackers of all time and that many of the greatest professional football players came out of Miami U in the eighty’s, including their coach Jimmy Johnson, where smash mouth, badass football was a religion. I loved the 80’s!

As we approach the first college football playoff series, ESPN couldn’t have written a better series of scripts. With the two best coaches in college football over the past ten years, Nick Saban of Alabama and Urban Myer of Ohio State, reviving the bad blood from their SEC Championship battles along with the two most current Heisman Trophy winners, the controversial Jamies Winston of FSU and the modern day role model Marcus Mariota from Oregon, there are more than enough headlines and back stories for ESPN to expand in order to create a multipart series. Saban having won 4 NCAA Championships with two different teams, the first to so, and Myer trying to become the second by going through one of Nick’s greatest creations and arguably his best TEAM ever. Add in Lane Kiffin’s resurgence as a great college football position coach. Urban saving OSU and the Big Ten all while using a third string QB. The defending NCAA Champion, Florida State, getting no respect while going undefeated again and dropping to #3 in the poles with trouble child Famous Jamies. All while quiet, humble Marcus Mariotta at Oregon leads the winningest program the past five years and best team not to have a National Title into the fray as the number two ranked and most probable winner of the first ever College Football Playoffs. It seems that no matter which way this year’s playoffs turn out it will make for an awesome ‘Original Series’ for future playback.

Speaking of… Here are my preditions…

Oregon will defeat FSU by two touchdowns. The game will be close through the 3rd quarter but the usual last minute heroics won’t happen because the discipline and precision execution of the Ducks offense is to much for the disorganized tribe of Seminoles… 38-24 Oregon.

OSU is completely over matched! Nick Saban has Urban Myer’s number. As he proved in the last two SEC meetings with victories of 31-6 and 38-10. When Saban has the most talent Urban can’t keep up. Look for another Bama blowout… 41-13.

Hope everyone has as happy a NEW Year as I will… I am going to the Outback Bowl as a VIP.. club level and all!!!! War Eagle!!!!